3 Reasons to Participate in Household Hazardous Waste Day

Get Rid of Needless Waste at Home

Clean out your garage, cabinets and closets from old waste, such as paint cans and waste oil.

Recycle Responsibly

We partner with hazardous waste professionals to ensure that waste is properly disposed of and recycled.

Protect the Environment

Proper disposal and recycling of hazardous waste protects the environment and extends the life of landfills.

Get Rid of Your Hazardous Waste the Right Way

Warren County's Division of Stormwater Management partners with multiple agencies and businesses to host Household Hazardous Waste days, providing you and your family with the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of the hazardous waste around your home.

What is Household Hazardous Waste?

Many household items are hazardous to the environment when improperly disposed of. You can generally find these items stored in your garage or under your kitchen sink - paint, anti-freeze, oil, cooking oil and more (see the list below for more).

Why is it Important to Dispose of Hazardous Waste Properly?

Many of these items are harmful when improperly disposed of in our landfills. This reduces the useful lifetime of the landfill.

Improperly disposing of these waste items also prevents their proper recycling - one of the other functions of Household Hazardous Waste Day.

By participating in Household Hazardous Waste Day, you and your family may get rid of those extra household items cluttering up your garage, cabinets and closets and protect the environment at the same time.

E-Scrap Recycling

"e-Waste" includes small electronics, such as TVs 40 inches and under, computer CPUs, laptops, tablets and monitors.

You can bring old small electronics to Household Hazardous Waste Day, and we will ensure they are properly recycled.

Document Shredding

Do you have personal documents that ned to be shredded?

We will have on-site document shredding available for you. Note: any previously shredded material you wish to recycle must be sealed in a bag to prevent escape.

What Can I Bring?

The following items are approved for you to bring to Household Hazardous Waste Day:

From Your Workbench

  • Adhesives, glue resins
  • Hobby supplies, artist supplies
  • Latex paint
  • Oil paint
  • Stains, thinners and stripper

From Your House

  • Aerosol cans
  • Cleaners, spot removers
  • Hearing aid (button-style) batteries
  • NiCad batteries
  • Photo chemicals, chemistry sets
  • Fluorescent light bulbs

From Your Garage

  • Car batteries, dry cell batteries
  • Engine degreasers, brake fluids
  • Transmission fluids
  • Waste fuels (kerosene, gasoline)

From Your Yard

  • Insecticides, weed killers, poisons
  • Pesticides

Remove Your Hard Drives

If you are disposing of a computer, we recommend removing your hard drive before you arrive.

Hard drive removal will not be supported on-site at Household Hazardous Waste Day.

What is NOT Allowed?

  • Ammunition, fireworks, explosives
  • Infection and biological waste
  • Radioactive waste
  • Unknown compressed gas cylinder
  • Tires

To Ensure Safety

  • NEVER SMOKE while handling hazardous materials
  • Do not place waste in plastic garbage bags
  • Tighten caps and lids leaving material in original labeled containers

This is for local area households, and businesses materials cannot be accepted per federal guidelines.

Site Plan


What happens to hazardous waste?

Download the PDF to learn more.

HHWD Layout

Event Details

Date: October 28

Time: 8AM-1PM Central

Location: Lauren Avery Drive

Questions? Email Us!

Event Sponsors

warren county logo

Warren County

Division of Environmental Planning & Assistance

warren county stormwater logo

Warren County Stormwater

city of bowling green

City of Bowling Green

keep it clean bowling green

Keep it Clean, Bowling Green

land shark shredding

Landshark Shredding

warren county conservation district

Warren County Conservation District





Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity